NTLM Issue, expecting ntlm

NTLM Issue, expecting ntlm

Exception Details

NTLM Issue, expecting ntlm

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme ‘Ntlm’. The authentication header received from the server was ‘Negotiate,NTLM’


Upgrade the ClaySys AppForms version to v3.5.1507.1001 or above

Service cannot be activated

Service cannot be activated

Exception Details

Service cannot be activated

An item with collection already exists


Ensure the installation is done in all machines, and is installed on the WFE​.

Check for multiple binding.

Check back connection host name is added correctly in the registry.To check this follow the screen.

The back connection host name should have the access URL configured.

Check the memory of the system. Try giving an iisreset of memory is too high.

Check if there is any change in web.config file of SharePoint site(SharePoint:80)-adding or altering the web.config tag will cause this issue.

How to create a Accord view in the form?

Tab Control – Accord View

The ‘Accord View’ is a view, were the items such as labels or thumbnails are listed in a vertically stacked mode. Each item can be “expanded” or “stretched” to reveal the content associated with that item. There can be exactly one item expanded at a time, depending on the configuration.When a button is selected any other active panes cease to be active and are hidden.

        Step 1: Create a form as shown below, by dragging the ‘Tab Control’.

Figure 6

Step 2: Here, insert the tabs into the tab control, from the properties (Tab Collection).

Figure 7

 Step 3: In the Properties, click the check box of the property called ‘Accord View’.

Figure 8

 Step 4: Check the Form Preview, and analyze the change.

Figure 9: Form Preview before clicking the ‘Accord View’

Figure 10: Form Preview after clicking the ‘Accord View’

How to get date details from date time field

How to get date details from date time field

There are two methods for getting date details (day,month,year,time) from the date time field.

1) Using SubString and StringReplace function

Step 1 : Create a form with DateTimePicker control, 4 Text-boxes ,1 hidden control ,1 button as shown in the figure 1.

Figure 1

Step 2 : Click on the DateTimePicker control  to get its properties . Select the Date Format  for example here we selected  ‘dd-mm-yyyy’  format. Also check the Time picker check-box to show the time.

Figure 2

Step 3 : Write the following rule on ‘Get Date Details’ button  as the trigger.

Figure 3

Rules :

  • hdnDate.Value=dtpDate.Value

The value in DateTimePicker  control is assigned to the hidden control ‘hdnDate’ . for example hdnDate will get a value like ‘ 15-03-2016 12:00 AM’.

  • txtDay.Value=SubString(0,GetIndex(hdnDate.Value,”-“,0),dtpDate.Value)

By using ‘SubString’ function the day (i.e string before hyphen) is taken and stored in ‘txtDay’ control. By using ‘GetIndex’ function we can get the index of hyphen in the date.

  • hdnDate.Value=StringReplace(hdnDate.Value,txtDay.Value+”-“,””)

After getting value of day in ‘txtDay’ ,the value of day must be removed from ‘hdnDate’  control by using  ‘StringReplace’ function to replace the day with space.

  • txtMonth.Value=SubString(0,GetIndex(hdnDate.Value,”-“,0),hdnDate.Value)
    We can get the Month from this rule.
  • hdnDate.Value=StringReplace(hdnDate.Value,txtMonth.Value+”-“,””)

This rule will remove the Month value from the ‘hdnDate’  control.

  • txtYear.Value=SubString(0,GetIndex(hdnDate.Value,” “,0),hdnDate.Value)

We can get the Year from this rule.

  • txtTime.Value=StringReplace(hdnDate.Value,txtYear.Value+” “,””)

We can get the time in ‘txtTime’ control .

2) Using GetDay and GetMonth and GetYear function

Step 1 : Create a form with DateTimePicker control, 4 Text-boxes ,1 hidden control ,1 button as shown in the figure 1.

Figure 4

Step 2 : Click on the DateTimePicker control  to get its properties . Select the Date Format  for example here we selected  ‘dd-mm-yyyy’  format. Also check the Time picker check-box to show the time.

Figure 5

Step 3 : Write the following rule on ‘Get Date Details’ button  as the trigger.

Figure 6

Rules :

  • txtDay.Value=GetDay(dtpDate.Value)

We can get the day in the ‘txtDay’ control.

  • txtMonth.Value=GetMonth(dtpDate.Value)

We can get the month in the ‘txtMonth’ control.

  • txtYear.Value=GetYear(dtpDate.Value)

We can get the year in the ‘txtYear’ control.

Preview :

Figure 4

Enter the date and time and then click on ‘Get Date Details’ button. Day, Month,Year, Time will be shown as  result in the respective text-boxes as shown in the Figure 4 .

How to get a File Name from Data Source

Getting File Name from Data Source

We have  a document library with files uploaded

In the form include a FileUpload control and Select the particular files to that FileUpload control while setting up the datasource in the trigger of a button. This is shown below.

While doing this we are getting that particular file inside the FileUpload control. Now on the trigger of the FileUpload control write a rule as shown below.

Here, on the trigger of the FileUpload control we are getting the file name and setting it to the Label control.

GetFileName have the following syntax,

Where the second argument Has Extension can be set to True when the user needs to display the extension of a particular file.

How to Pass Values from a form to an External Form

Passing Values from a form to an External Form

To pass a value inside any control to an External you must first configure the forms accordingly. This is a sample demonstration to achieve this scenario.

Create a form, which you need to configure it as an External Form. Here is an example. Drag and drop a text box control as shown below.

Save and check in the form.

Create another form, drag and drop an External Form control, configure the external form so that it is navigated to the form we created earlier. This is illustrated below.

Select the form and click the Add button and click ok.

Drag and drop a text box and a button control. Add some default value in the text box. On the trigger of the button this default value should be passed to the text box inside the External Form. This is illustrated below.

For passing this value we have a function called “SetFormValue”. The syntax is shown below.

The complete rule is,

Note: SetFormValue is only applicable in web part; add this form to the web part to see the result.