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Export Properties

 Export properties 

The export properties for PDFs is used to set the properties of the PDF being created with ConvertToPDF rule like height, width, etc.

Steps to set export properties 

Figure 1 

1. Width: Defines the width of the form. 

2. Height: Defines the height of the form. 

3. Size: Specifies predefined paper sizes. 

  • Values
    • A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10: Standard ISO paper sizes, with A4 being the most common for forms. 
    • ArchA, ArchB, ArchC, ArchD, ArchE: Arch paper sizes used for large-format printing. 
    • B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5: B series paper sizes, larger than A series, used for posters and large forms. 
    • Fisa: A less common paper size. 
    • HalfLetter: Half of the Letter size, often used for smaller forms. 
    • Ledger: Also known as Tabloid size. 
    • Legal: Paper size of 8.5in x 14in. 
    • Letter: Standard paper size in the US. 
    • Letter11x17: Larger version of the Letter size, often used for large formats. 
    • Note: A smaller size often used for note-taking. 

4. Orientation: Defines the layout direction of the form. 

  • Values
    • Landscape: Form width is greater than height (wider than tall). 
    • Portrait: Form height is greater than width (taller than wide). 

5. Margin: Specifies the space between the content of the form and its edges. 

  • Properties
    • Top: Margin space at the top of the form. 
    • Bottom: Margin space at the bottom of the form. 
    • Left: Margin space on the left side of the form. 
    • Right: Margin space on the right side of the form. 

6. Fit_to_Width: Adjusts the content to fit the width of the page. 

7. Auto_height: Adjusts the height of the form automatically based on the content.

8. Settings:


1. Click on the gear icon in the settings under export properties. 

2.The PDF Configuration window will pop up, presenting options organized into three tabs: General, Header/Footer Properties, and Page Properties. 

Figure 3 

3. In the General Tab, you can configure settings for background images and placeholders. Header/Footer Properties allows you to set up headers and footers, while Page Properties lets you adjust the settings related to page numbers and their formatting. 

PDF Configuration Window 

General Tab – Background Image 

  • Enable Background Image: A checkbox to activate or deactivate the background image on the PDF. 
  • Path: Specifies the location of the background image file.                                                              

     Example: ClientFiles/Documents/BackgroundImage/Image.jpg 

  • Width: Defines the width of the background image. 
  • Height: Defines the height of the background image. 
  • X-Position: Specifies the horizontal position of the background image on the page.  
  • Y-Position: Specifies the vertical position of the background image on the page. 

General Tab – Placeholder  

  • Enable Placeholder: A checkbox to activate or deactivate placeholder text on the PDF. 
  • Text: Specifies the placeholder text to display.  
  • Font Family: Sets the font family for the placeholder text.  
  • Font Size: Defines the size of the placeholder text.  
  • Opacity (in %): Sets the transparency level of the placeholder text. Example- `Opacity: 50%` (text will be semi-transparent). 
  • Font Color: Specifies the color of the placeholder text. 
  • Text Alignment: Aligns the placeholder text within its area.  

Figure4: General Tab – Background Image & Placeholder 

Header/Footer Properties Tab – Header  

  • Enable Header: A checkbox to activate or deactivate the header on each page of the PDF.  
  • Type: Specifies the source of the header content. Options: File and HTML Content
    • File: Uses an external file for header content. 
  • Path: Specifies the path to an external file if File is selected.
    • HTML Content: Uses inline HTML for header content. 
  • Value: Field to input HTML content if HTML Content is selected. Example-`<h1>Report Header</h1>`. 
  • Height: Sets the height of the header area.  
  • Background Color: Sets the background color for the header area. 
  • Enable Bottom Line: A checkbox to add a line at the bottom of the header.  
  • Bottom Line Color: Sets the color of the line at the bottom of the header. 

Header/Footer Properties Tab – Footer  

  • Enable Footer: A checkbox to activate or deactivate the footer on each page of the PDF.  
  • Type: Specifies the source of the footer content. Options: File and HTML Content
    • File: Uses an external file for footer content. 
  • Path: Specifies the path to an external HTML file if File is selected.
    • HTML Content: Uses inline HTML for footer content. 
  • Value: Field to input HTML content if HTML Content is selected.Example: `<footer><small>© Your Company</small></footer>`. 
  • Height: Sets the height of the footer area. 
  • Background Color: Sets the background color for the footer area. 
  • Enable Top Line: A toggle to add a line at the top of the footer. 
  • Top Line Color: Sets the color of the line at the top of the footer. 

Figure5: Header/Footer Properties Tab  

Page Properties Tab – Page Properties  

  • Enable Page No: A checkbox to enable or disable page numbers on the PDF.  
  • Font Family: Sets the font family for the page numbers.  
  • Font Size: Defines the size of the page numbers.  
  • Font Color: Specifies the color of the page numbers. 
  • Page Format: Defines the format for page numbers (e.g., “Page 1 of 10”). 
  • Text Alignment: Aligns the page numbers within their area (left, center, right).  
  • Text Vertical Alignment: Aligns the page numbers vertically within their area (top, center, bottom). 

Figure 6: Page Properties Tab