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Template Management

Administrator can create set of permissions as a template and assign that template to users/groups.

If we set a template permission to a user it will overwrite the users/groups permission.

Click on Template Management.

Figure 1

A window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 2

1.Add Template

Click on Add button,a window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 3

  • Enter template name.
  • Choose the view to apply permission.
  • Set the permissions.
  • To add template,click on Save button.

2.Edit Template

  • Select the checkbox of template to be edited.
  • Click on Edit button.

A window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 4

  • Choose the view to apply permission.
  • Edit the permissions.
  • Click on save button.

3.Delete Template 

  • Select the checkbox of template.
  • Click on Delete button.

A message box opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 5

  • To deleteTemplate,Click on Ok button.

4. Click on Users Icon to find out the user details who all are assigned to that particular template.

Figure 6

  • Below figure shows the list of users/groups in the selected template.

Figure 7

5. To remove users/groups from a particular template

  • Click on Remove icon and click OK button from message box to remove the respective user.

Figure 8

6. In order to apply a particular template for users/groups, follow the below steps:

  • Select checkbox of the users /groups from Manage security.
  • Click on Edit User Permissions.

Figure 9

  • Select Restricted Access (Click on form icon in Restricted Access).
  • Figure 10

A window opens as shown below in the figure.

Figure 11

  • Select the template from the drop down.
  • To change the changes, click on Save button.

Applied template details will be available in Manage security Home page, like shown below in the figure.

Figure 12