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User Profile Variables

A user profile is a collection of information and settings associated with an individual user within a application. 

ADGuid: The GUID in Active Directory is used to uniquely identify an object across the entire directory. 

AboutMe: “AboutMe” section allows users to get personal details. 

AboutUs: “About Us” section typically serves to provide detailed information about a group or an organization. 

AccountName: “Account Name” typically refers to the name or identifier associated with a user’s account. 

Assistant: Assistant refer to a variable or attribute that holds information related to the assistant or assistant-related functions. 

Birthday: “Birthday” field typically refers to the user’s date of birth. 

CellPhone: “CellPhone” field typically refers to the user’s mobile phone number. 

ClaimID: “ClaimID” typically refers to a unique identifier associated with a user’s claim or entitlement within a system. 

ClaimProviderID: “ClaimProviderID” typically refers to a unique identifier associated with the provider 

ClaimProviderType: “ClaimProviderType” field typically refers to the type or category of the provider associated with a specific claim or entitlement. 

DataSource: “Datasource” typically refers to the origin or source of the data used to populate or manage user information. 

Department: “Department” field typically refers to the specific department or division within an organization to which the user belongs. 

Description: “Description” field typically provides a brief overview or summary of the user’s role, responsibilities, or background. 

DirectReports: “DirectReports” field typically indicates the employees who directly report to a specific user. 

DisplayOrder: “DisplayOrder” field typically indicates the order in which the user’s profile or related information should be displayed in a list or view. 

DistinguishedName: “DistinguishedName” (often abbreviated as “DN”) is a unique identifier used within directory services, such as Active Directory (AD)Domain: 

DontSuggestList: This field is useful for managing user preferences and ensuring that certain items are not suggested in various contexts, such as search results, auto-complete fields, or recommendation engines. 

Dottedline: “Dottedline” field typically refers to a visual or organizational indicator used to represent hierarchical relationships within an organization. 

EmailOptin: “EmailOptin” field typically indicates whether the user has opted in or out of receiving email communications. 

Fax: “Fax” field typically contains the fax number associated with the user. 

FirstName: “FirstName” field typically contains the given name or forename of the user.  

GroupType: “GroupType” field typically indicates the type or category of the user’s group or role within an organization or system. 

HireDate: “HireDate” field typically records the date when the user (often an employee) was hired or started their role within the organization. 

HomePhone: “HomePhone” field typically contains the user’s home phone number. 

Interests: “Interests” field typically contains information about the user’s hobbies, activities, or areas of interest. 

JobTitle: “JobTitle” field typically contains the user’s official job title or position within an organization. 

LastColleagueAdded: “LastColleagueAdded” field typically records the name or identifier of the most recently added colleague or contact. 

LastKeywordAdded: “LastKeywordAdded” field typically records the most recent keyword or tag that has been added by the user. 

LastName: “LastName” field stores the user’s last name or surname. 

Location: “Location” field generally refers to the user’s geographical location or the place where they are based. 

LogoUrl: “LogoUrl” field typically stores the URL or path to an image file that represents the user’s or organization’s logo. 

MailNickName: “MailNickName” field typically refers to the alias or nickname used in email addresses or other communication contexts. 

Manager: “Manager” field typically refers to the individual who supervises or oversees the user. 

MasterAccountName: “MasterAccountName” field typically refers to a primary or principal account name associated with the user. 

Member: “Member” field generally refers to the groups, teams, or roles to which the user belongs. 

MySiteUpgrade: “MySiteUpgrade” field typically indicates whether the user’s personal site (often referred to as “My Site” in enterprise systems) has been upgraded or is using a newer version or platform. 

ObjectExistsAttribute: “ObjectExistsAttribute” field typically indicates whether a specific object or attribute related to the user exists within the system or directory. 

Office: “Office” field typically refers to the physical or virtual location associated with the user’s workplace or work environment. 

OutlookWebAccessUrl: OutlookWebAccessUrl field typically contains the URL for accessing the user’s Outlook mailbox through a web-based interface, often provided by Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA). 

Parent: Parent field generally refers to the hierarchical relationship between the user and a higher-level entity or individual within an organizational structure. 

Parent Type: ParentType field typically describes the type or category of the parent entity to which the user is linked. 

PastProjects: PastProjects field typically contains information about the projects or initiatives that the user has been involved with in the past. 

Peers: Peers field typically refers to a list of individuals who are on the same level or have similar roles within an organization or team. 

PersonalSpace: PersonalSpace field typically refers to a section or area where users can store personal or private information, preferences, or documents that are relevant to them. 

PhoneticDisplayName : PhoneticDisplayName field in a user profile is used to store the phonetic spelling of the user’s name. 

PhoneticFirstName: PhoneticFirstName field in a user profile is used to store the phonetic spelling of the user’s first name. 

PhoneticLastName: The PhoneticLastName field in a user profile is used to store the phonetic spelling of the user’s last name. 

PictureUrl: The PictureUrl field in a user profile is used to store the URL of the user’s profile picture or avatar. 

PreferredName: The PreferredName field in a user profile is used to store the name that the user prefers to be called or addressed by, which may differ from their official or legal name. 

PublicSiteRedirect: The PublicSiteRedirect field in a user profile is used to specify a URL that users are redirected to when accessing their public profile or when navigating from a public-facing site associated with their profile. 

QuickLinks: The QuickLinks field in a user profile is used to store a set of URLs or links that are commonly accessed or relevant to the user. 

ResourceAccountName: The ResourceAccountName field in a user profile typically refers to the name of an account associated with a specific resource, such as a system, application, or service. 

ResourceSID: The ResourceSID field in a user profile typically refers to the Security Identifier (SID) associated with a specific resource or security principal. 

Responsibility: The Responsibility field in a user profile is used to outline or specify the roles, duties, or tasks that a user is accountable for within an organization or system. SAMSID 

SAMUserName: The SAMUserName field in a user profile refers to the Security Account Manager (SAM) username, which is a unique identifier for a user account in Windows-based systems. 

SID: The SID (Security Identifier) in a user profile is a unique identifier used by Windows operating systems and other security systems to identify users, groups, and other security principals. 
SPSClaimProviderType: The SPSClaimProviderType field in a user profile relates specifically to SharePoint and other systems that use claims-based authentication. 

SavedSID: The SavedSID field in a user profile typically refers to the Security Identifier (SID) that has been stored or cached for the user. 

SavedUserName: The SavedUserName field in a user profile typically refers to the username that has been stored or cached for a user. 

School: The School field in a user profile typically refers to the educational institution or school that the user is associated with or has attended.SipAddress 

Skills: The Skills field in a user profile typically refers to the specific abilities, competencies, or expertise that a user possesses. 

SourceObjectDN: The SourceObjectDN field in a user profile typically refers to the Distinguished Name (DN) of the object as it is represented in a directory service or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) system. 

SourceReference: The SourceReference field in a user profile typically refers to a unique identifier or reference for the user in an external source or system. 

StatusNotes: The StatusNotes field in a user profile typically refers to a section where additional notes or comments about the user’s status, activities, or current state can be recorded. 

TimeZone: The TimeZone field in a user profile refers to the specific time zone setting for the user. 

Title: The Title field in a user profile typically refers to the user’s job title or position within an organization. 

Url: The Url field in a user profile typically refers to a web address or link associated with the user. 

UserGUID: The UserGUID field in a user profile stands for User Globally Unique Identifier

UserName: The UserName field in a user profile typically refers to the unique identifier or login name assigned to a user for authentication and identification purposes within a system or application. 

WebSite: The WebSite field in a user profile typically refers to a web address or URL associated with the user’s personal or professional online presence. 

WorkEmail: The WorkEmail field in a user profile refers to the official email address assigned to the user for professional communication. 

WorkPhone: The WorkPhone field in a user profile refers to the phone number assigned to the user for professional or work-related communication.