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The GridGetData function is used to retrieve data from a specified grid control, formatted as either XML or JSON, depending on the command title provided.


GridGetData(GridControlName, CommandTitle)


  • GridControlName
  • Type: Control
  • Is Optional: false
  • Description: The name of the grid control from which the data will be retrieved. This grid control should be configured via a RESTful service.
  • CommandTitle
  • Type: String
  • Is Optional: true
  • Description: An optional command title that can be used to configure the data retrieval command. If not provided, a default command may be used.

Example with Optional Command Title

TextBox1.Value = GridGetData(DynamicGrid1, “Select”)

In this example, the function retrieves data from the grid control named DynamicGrid1 using the command titled “Select”. The retrieved data is then assigned to the value of TextBox1.

Figure1: Rule

Figure2: Preview

Example without Optional Command Title

TextBox1.Value = GridGetData(DynamicGrid1)

In this example, the function retrieves data from the grid control named DynamicGrid1 using the default command, as no CommandTitle is provided. The retrieved data is then assigned to the value of TextBox1.


The GridGetData function requires two arguments: GridControlName and an optional CommandTitle. The GridControlName specifies the grid control from which data is to be retrieved, while the CommandTitle can be used to specify a particular command for data retrieval. If CommandTitle is not provided, a default command may be used.