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Description: The ExternalFormSetProperty function is utilized to set property values of external form repeaters. It provides a convenient way to dynamically modify the properties of repeated controls within an external form, allowing for customization and control over form layout and behavior.


ExternalFormSetProperty(ControlName, PropertyName, Value, StartIndex, EndIndex)

  • ControlName: The name of the external form.
  • PropertyName: The name of the property to be set.
  • Value: The value of the property to be set.
  • StartIndex (Optional): The starting index of the external form repeater.
  • EndIndex (Optional): The ending index of the external form repeater.

Example with optional arguments:

  • ExternalFormSetProperty(ExternalForm1, BoxShadow, “4,4,4,red”, 2, 3)

This example sets the BoxShadow property to “4,4,4,red” for the repeaters within the external form named ExternalForm1 starting from index 2 to 3.

Figure1: Rule

Figure2: Preview

Example without optional arguments:

  • ExternalFormSetProperty(ExternalForm1, BoxShadow, “4,4,4,red”)

This example sets the BoxShadow property to “4,4,4,red” for all repeaters within the external form named ExternalForm1.

Figure3: Rule

Figure4: Designer

Figure5: Preview(On clicking” Box Shadow” button, sets the BoxShadow property to “4,4,4,red” for  ExternalForm1.)


The ExternalFormSetProperty function is typically used when dynamic modifications to the properties of external form repeaters are required. It allows developers to specify the target external form, property name, value, and optionally, the range of repeater indices to apply the property changes selectively.