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The WorkFlowForward function is used to forward an ongoing workflow to another user with and without the approval. 

WorkFlowForward(ForwardedUserName, ReturnForApproval, Comments, AlertUser) 
Argument Count: 4 
The WorkFlowForward function is used to forward an ongoing workflow to another user. 
Forwarded User’s name 

Type: string 
Is Optional: No 
Description: Name of the user to whom the workflow should be forwarded. 

Return For Approval 

Type: bool 
Is Optional: No 
Description: Return to the forwarder after the forwarded user takes any action. 


Type: string 
Is Optional: yes 
Description: Comments for forwarding the workflow. 

Alert User

Type: bool 
Is Optional: yes 
Description: E-mail user upon executing this rule. 

Example Usage 
WorkFlowForward(pplForwardedto.Value, true, “Forwarded”, true) 
In this example, the workflow is forwarded to the user specified in pplForwardedto.Value with the comments “Forwarded,” and the user will be notified via email. The workflow will return to the original forwarder for approval after the forwarded user takes any action.