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The GridGetFileSize function is used to retrieve the file size of a file stored in a specified cell of a dynamic grid control. This function supports optional parameters to handle multiple files within a single cell.


GridGetFileSize(DynamicGridControlName, Row Index, Column Index, File Index(Optional))


  • DynamicGridControlName (Control): The name of the dynamic grid control from which you want to retrieve the file size. This is a required parameter.
  • Row Index (Integer): The row index of the grid cell containing the file. This is a required parameter.
  • Column Index (Integer): The column index of the grid cell containing the file. This is a required parameter.
  • File Index (Integer, Optional): The index of the file within the cell when multiple files are allowed. The default value is 1, meaning it will retrieve the first file if this parameter is not provided. This is an optional parameter.

Example with Optional File Index


Figure 1: Rule

Figure 2: Preview

In this example, the function retrieves the size of the file at index 1 from the cell at row index 8 and column index 2 in the grid control named DynamicGrid1.

Example without Optional File Index


Figure 1: Rule

Figure 2: Preview

In this example, the function retrieves the size of the first file from the cell at row index 2 and column index 3 in the grid control named DynamicGrid1. The default file index 1 is assumed.


  • DynamicGridControlName: This parameter specifies the name of the dynamic grid control from which you want to retrieve the file size. It must be a valid grid control name within your application.
  • Row Index: This parameter specifies the row index of the cell containing the file. The index should be an integer.
  • Column Index: This parameter specifies the column index of the cell containing the file. The index should be an integer.
  • File Index (Optional): This parameter specifies the index of the file within the cell if multiple files are allowed. The default value is 1, meaning it will target the first file by default.